Storage Units

5' x 10'

50 sq. ft.

Comparable Space: 6'x12' TrailerPickup TruckCargo VanWalk-in closet

Typical Items that could be stored:  Mattress set, sofa, dining room set or chest of drawers, boxes and small items

10' x 10'

100 sq. ft.

Comparable Space: 15' moving truckAverage size bedroom 

Typical  Items that could be stored: furnishings of one bedroom apartment with  refrigerator and washer/dryer, patio furniture and many boxes OR two  office suites OR about 200 file boxes 

10' x 15'

150 sq. ft.

Comparable Space: 20' moving truckLarge bedroom

Typical  Items that could be stored: furnishings of three or four bedroom  apartment /house with appliances, patio furniture and many boxes OR a  vehicle or small boat OR construction equipment 

10' x 20'

200 sq. ft.

Comparable Space: 24' Moving truckSmall one car garage

Typical  Items that could be stored: furnishings of three or four bedroom  apartment /house with appliances, patio furniture and many boxes, garage  extras and miscellaneous OR a vehicle or boat

10' x 30'

300 sq. ft.

Comparable Space: Extra long, one-car garage

Typical  Items that could be stored: furnishings of four or five bedroom house  with appliances, patio furniture and many boxes, garage extras and  miscellaneous OR a vehicle or boat